Upcoming events
Worship service every Sunday at 10am. Bible class and Sunday school at 11:20.

Divine Service | Forth Sunday of Advent
Gather around Word & Sacrament with our worshiping community!

Christmas Caroling
Join us Thursday, December 19@ 6pm as we share Christmas carols with our neighbors! We plan to walk around our neighborhood and sing classic Christmas hymns. Afterward we will gather for food and fellowship.

Annual Church Meeting
Join us in Room 6 for our annual church meeting for some important updates from congregational leaders as well as a discussion and vote on the new budget.

Divine Service | Third Sunday of Advent
Gather around Word & Sacrament with our worshiping community!

Young Adults
If you’re in your 20s or 30s, you’re invited to join our young adult group that gathers around the Scriptures, prayer, and friendship. For more information, contact Michael Cruz.

Grief Group
The Grief Group meets @ 2pm on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month in the St. Paul Conference Room. For more info, contact Deaconess Claire @ 210.827.2505.

Tuesday Bible Class
Class is open to everyone and will meet every 4th Tuesday of the month in Room 6. We will be reading the book, The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning together. For more information on the class please contact Pastor Dave @ 714.342.4734.

Decommission of Luther Hall
At this liturgy we will gather to say goodbye to the building, share memories, collect any final memorabilia, and look ahead to the future. We need your help in gathering photos and memories for this occasion! If you have photos, stories, memories, or other things you'd like to share please email them to
suzannes@stpaulsa.org or bring copies to the church office. If you have any questions please see Pastor Dave.

Young Adults
If you’re in your 20s or 30s, you’re invited to join our young adult group that gathers around the Scriptures, prayer, and friendship. For more information, contact Michael Cruz.

St. Paul Chrismas Party
Join us Wednesday, December the 4th @ 6pm for our church wide Christmas Party! We will gather at the EZ Wash
(3503 S. Presa) as we serve and celebrate with our neighbors for this community wide Christmas party. Bring a dish to share and a joyful spirit as we eat, sing, serve, and fellowship with our neighborhood friends.

Divine Service | First Sunday of Advent
Gather around Word & Sacrament with our worshiping community!

Feast of Christ the King
On the last Sunday of each liturgical year, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, or Christ the King.

Thanksgiving Potluck
Join us this Sunday, November the 24th before the liturgy @ 9am for a church wide Thanksgiving potluck breakfast! Bring your favorite dish to share and enjoy fellowship as we meet in Room 6 and the courtyard.

Prayer, Eucharist, & Healing
Come to our special service to pray, celebrate the Eucharist, and be anointed with oil.

Young Adults
If you’re in your 20s or 30s, you’re invited to join our young adult group that gathers around the Scriptures, prayer, and friendship. For more information, contact Michael Cruz.

Sunday School
Join us as we embark on an exploration of the vibrant and timeless book of Psalms! In this class we will unlock its poetic treasures, discover the profound wisdom it holds, and see it’s practical application to daily life. The class will be accompanied by a reading plan that will guide us through the Psalms together.

Sunday School
Join us as we embark on an exploration of the vibrant and timeless book of Psalms! In this class we will unlock its poetic treasures, discover the profound wisdom it holds, and see it’s practical application to daily life. The class will be accompanied by a reading plan that will guide us through the Psalms together.

Sunday School
Join us as we embark on an exploration of the vibrant and timeless book of Psalms! In this class we will unlock its poetic treasures, discover the profound wisdom it holds, and see it’s practical application to daily life. The class will be accompanied by a reading plan that will guide us through the Psalms together.

Sunday School
Join us as we embark on an exploration of the vibrant and timeless book of Psalms! In this class we will unlock its poetic treasures, discover the profound wisdom it holds, and see it’s practical application to daily life. The class will be accompanied by a reading plan that will guide us through the Psalms together.

Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a volunteer-driven program that helps children discover the power of Jesus’ love! VBS is one week long summer evening program (June 17 - June 21) for elementary and middle school kids. St. Paul is in search of volunteers. Please click the button below to be taken to a link to sign up!

Laundry Love
Join us for our monthly community service event. For more information, contact our front desk.

Sunday School
Join for a time of study, conversation, and reflection right after our liturgy.